Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"The Average American Male"...

So for a pop culture blog whose primary posts are all about music, movies and the occasional video game, what I’m about to do is a bit out of the ordinary.

I’m gonna make a post about a book, this one to be exact,

Now I hope that any of you who managed to get past the whole “it’s a book thing” can understand that this in fact is something that deserves a good look at. Chad Kultgen wrote this story and it’s pretty simple, it’s about a guy, unnamed so that any dude reading this book can step into his shoes, and his day to day life. He goes to work, chills with friends, sees his girlfriend, but that isn’t the interesting part of this story. No, what’s interesting is how its told. See the whole story is told not so much by the main character but by his thought process.

Now this is something that can take a second to get your head around so please pause for a moment to understand…

…Ok, let me explain a little bit. the story is done in the form of a flow of thought. so the book is, in its entirety, from his perspective and his thought process. Here an example from the beginning of the book

“it’s two days after Christmas. I’m in Denver International Airport watching this old fat bitch eat a cup of yogurt. My blood is boiling.

She has this weird little baby spoon, and these leathery fucking jowels, and this weird twitchy mouth, and her little tongue keeps jerking around to lick this shit off her lips - it’s really fucking disgusting me. But even more disgusting to me is the fact that her mouth has had cocks in it. I wonder what it is, other that age, that turns a mouth a man would want to put his cock in into a twitching hole getting yogurt shoveled into it with a baby spoon.

At some point in this old cunt’s life some guy was paying for her dinner, buying her presents, and being as nice and romantic as possible just so he could put his cock in that disgusting fucking hole.”

Not even joking, that’s how this book opens, and it just gets more messed up as the book goes. Now for any guy i can guarantee that there are gonna be at least 5 situations that he gets into that you can honestly say “yeah… I’ve done that”.

Now for any females who might want to read this i warn you ahead of time.

“reading this book will give you a glance behind the curtain that you will never be able to take back. I can say from testamony of women who have read this book, that they dont think the same way ever again”

now to tie everything up in a nice bow i leave you with this a set of youtube videos which spawned from this book

so check it out, it’ll definatly give you alot of  laughs, a few wtf moments and at least one “holy shit i’ve done that”.

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