I’ve read more books this month than I thought I had, and coupled with the lack of reviews in February (I wrote one and it was posted in March) I decided to do mini reviews of all the books I’ve read so far this year. starting with January’s books.
I still vow to do real reviews in the future for some of these, but I wanted to quickly share my feelings about them.
- Fantasy Lover - Sherrilyn Kenyon
I love short cute little romances (as I’m sure you’ll notice) and this one was pretty amusing as far as romance novels go. It was a re-read so I got to pick up on little things I missed the first time around. There’s a full review here.
- Dead After Dark - Sherrilyn Kenyon, JR Ward, et all (1-4)
Another romance novel, but this one has four short stories from four different authors. Kind of like a Whitmans Sampler. Cool idea too, I wish other genres would pick up on the success. This is the book I blame for getting me to read book #3.
- Lover Awakened - JR Ward (1-8 )
This is book #3 in the JR Ward series of vampire smut novels. It is what it is, ok? A spade. A damn sexy spade. I read this series out of order… In fact I might do a whole post on the ramifications of that because it was really… interesting.Ok, so more to the point,tThis book broke my heart. The main character is so hopeless, but you as a reader want there to be hope. But he’s totally through with everything… except there’s this hot chick in his bed and… well you get the idea. All romance novels end on a happy note, so you can guess where it ends up. ^_^ That’s what I like about them, they never end in tears.
- Nymph - Francesca Lia Block (1-10)
This is just a small collection of somewhat erotic stories by my favorite author when I was younger. I re-read it to see if it was as racy as I remembered… not really. I think it gets explicit once in the entire book. JR Ward is ruining me.
- Book of Shadows - Cate Tiernan (1-11)
More Young Adult books… I promise I read more grown up books later this month! This is a witch book, a young girl finds herself in a coven and is also secretly the daughter of one of the most powerful witches around (well, you know, not any more…) As far as YA goes its pretty good, the story was engaging enough to keep me interested for four books… but my overall thought (as with most YA books) is that all the complex, natural emotions aren’t explored deeply enough.
- The Coven - Cate Tiernan (1-11)
Same series as the last book, it got a little more interesting in this book, another fake love triangle is added and I found myself reading just to see what drama would explode from that… but was dissapointed when it became rather obvious that the love triangle was more of a you’re-boyfriend-is-evil-and-I-wish-you’d-figure-it out” thing.
- The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho (1-11)
See? I promised grown up books… I did a full review of The Alchemist so you should check that out if you haven’t already… The book was overwhelming, powerful and insightful. A must read for everyone, seriously.
- Lover Eternal - JR Ward (1-13)
Book 2 in the series by JR Ward… told you I read them out of order… wait till you see what I did in February and March with this series. This book’s main man has a nasty side that manifests as a dragon (facepalm) who pretty much eats everything, even his friends. Cause you know… its hungry. The dragon is tamed by the books main woman - shocker, I know. Its the most adorable story I’ve ever read though, and even though its seriously cheesy, it makes me squee inside. And outside too. *Squeee!*
- Blood Witch - Cate Tiernan (1-14)
More of that YA witch series. I honestly can’t remember what happened in which book, but I think the BFF tells the protaganist that her boyfriend, the antagonist, is evil in this one. And… well… I think we all know what happens when anyone tells us our SO is evil… even when its true. So she helps him commit some crimes and only then does she start to think he might be a little off in the head. I made it through one more of these before I just couldn’t handle it anymore…
- Night Pleasures - Sherrilyn Kenyon (1-21)
More re-reads… I sort of seeped into this challenge didn’t I? The next book makes up for it I think… Anyway, this is one of my favorite Dark Hunter books and is technically the first in the series. Vampires, Greek gods… it honestly can’t get any better. Oh! And sex… ok I was wrong. ^_^ This book follows the story of a Greek general who now hunts psuedo-vampires for some of the Greek gods. It was an excellent introduction into the series and mythology as well as being a great book on its own.
- Watchmen - Alan Moore (1-25)
This book sort of hits you like a lead brick. Possibly the best social commentary since Animal Farm - and Moore did it with pictures. Watchmen is about an alternate history where we actually won in Vietnam and Nixon is still in office (in 1985 when it was published) and super heroes are 100% real and 100% outlawed. Zack Snyder pretty much sumed it up when interviewed about the movie adaptation, “Superman doesn’t care about humanity, Batman can’t get an erection and the bad guy wants world peace.” Yup. That’s it.
- The Looking Glass Wars - Frank Beddor (1-30)
This one also has a full review, but to sum up, its the “real” story of Alice in Wonderland. The way Frank Beddor tells it, Alice (actual name: Alyss) became lost in our world and the Lewis Carol tale is a garballed version of Alyss’ actual life. The imagination involved in creating the world within is truly astounding. I’ve been recomennding it to anyone who has an “overactive imagination” like Alyss and I.
Next time February’s books!!
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