Skinny review: Worth the read, answers problems within pop atheism and combative Christianity.
In late February, Ed tweeted about having some books available for bloggers to review. I had him send me Becky Garrison’s “The New Atheist Crusaders and Thier Unholy Grail: The Misguided Quest to Destroy Your Faith.” The point was for me was to read and review in on my blog, and I imagine that it was supposed to happen faster, but here goes.
I didn’t know much about Becky before reading this book. After reading the book, I am glad that has changed. Why? Because she is smart, witty, confessional, and has a deep love for Jesus Christ. By the title of the book, you can expect it to be a defense of faith against the “enemy” pop-academic atheists or agnostics like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and people who contribute to blogs like “Why Won’t God Heal Amputees?”. She has something to say to these people, while remaining sensitive to the sincere questioning and seeking going on by most people.
A main point of the book is that you cannot disprove the existence of God by the bad behavior of those who claim his name. This bring the believer and unbeliever alike into the stark reality that not all who claim the name Christian have really considered what it means to follow Jesus Christ with not only thier minds but also their lives. Garrison asks the same consideration from both those “in” and “out” of the faith: read the New Testament and consider the God that is there. Then, ask yourself if this is what you follow. If you want to follow this God, leave the rest behind.
I really was hesistant to read this work becasue I have been caught in the crossfire of those who have been wronged by churched Christians and those who are still finding grace in that context despite of the pain that comes through those within the instituions. At any rate, once you catch a glimpse of the ugliness coming from both sides of the culture wars, a book with this title tends to repel you. After all, the proverbs warn “Do not answer a fool according to his folly,
or you will be like him yourself.” How many times have I wanted to “defend the faith”, when I could have been following Jesus by loving others instead?
However, this book seems to be more about encouraging us to join in God’s mysterious salvation and favor through a life lived with and in Christ instead of proving once and for all that aetheism sucks. Since the church is also a great love of mine, I would like to provide this quote from Garrison as a conclusion:
As we all seek what it means to be the church in the twenty-first century, I’d love to take the New Atheists along for the ride. Maybe then they will see that we’re not black-and-white, cookie cutter, stereotypical Christians. Rather, we’re a living, breathing body that, despite our earthly infirmities, seeks to be the embodiment of Christ here on earth.
Thanks Becky! I am better for reading it!
May the Lord’s will be done,
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