Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket

Lilo, a third grader in Mrs. Lavoie’s class, has been reading this series since the beginning of second grade, and she wants to share her opinions with CPS:

In the books in A Series of Unfortunate Events, three children learn their house has burned down and they will never see their parents again.  They are sent off to live with their awful uncle named Count Olaf.  Count Olaf tries to get his hands on their fortune about thirteen times (there are 13 books!).  But in scheme after scheme, the Baudelaire orphans seem to get out of his traps, and Count Olaf seems to escape just in time.  The Baudelaire orphans travel all around the world from the top of mountains to the deep dark sea.  The more places they go, the more mysteries they find, especially mysteries about VFD.  If you want to know what VFD is, READ THE BOOKS!


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