Friday, November 6, 2009

Song of Ice and Fire Series (Book 2)

Now that I’m sitting down to write this I’m having trouble remembering all of the ins and outs of this particular book (perhaps that’s a testament to the book’s quality itself). What I most remember are the chapters involving Tyrion Lannister (brother to Jaime and Cersei).

-Tyrion has taken over as the Hand of the King in this book and seems to be a capable administrator. He spins intrigue against his sister. This particular plot approaches Shakespearean levels of treachery and double dealing and is therefore well worth the reader’s time.

The book does drag on a little bit as it follows Sansa and Arya. While informative they are both repetitive storylines that are almost twin stories. Both sisters (while they take very different journeys physically) prove to continually find themselves at the mercy of powerful adults. The experience is not unlike reading two Charles Dickens stories at the same time.

However, the other stories (Daenerys in the east and Davos w/King Stannis, oh and Jon on the Wall) are all ably told. If anything, these books have too many plots that intersect and become entangled. I can’t count how many times I’ve sat and groaned as yet another Arya chapter began.

Don’t get me wrong, all of the characters seem pretty well drawn in this series there’s just too many of them to care about them all equally.


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